Club Board

Chairman: Spence Sechler
Treasurer: Van Davis
Secretary: Ann Folmer
Webmaster: Vacant
Building Fund Coordinator: Darla Mapes
Cleaning & Supplies Coordinator: Paula Sechler
Board Trustees: Vic Switski, Dave Fisher, Scott Johnston, David Vaisman

Co-Chairman: Vacant
Events Coordinator: Vacant
Maintenance: Jim Karish
Social Media: Vacant

Ad hoc Members:
Building Fund Trustee: Dave Clark, Gwen Flinn, Sue Magee, Lou Cook

Alano Club Board Mission
“At Englewood Alano Club Corp., our mission is to establish a transparent, cost-effective, and secure substance-free facility. We are dedicated to providing a supportive environment for independent 12 Step groups to conduct meetings and foster fellowship events. Our Board of Directors are committed to serving the members and families of 12-step fellowship programs, ensuring their autonomy and unhindered support for our facility. Additionally, our long-term goal is to secure a permanent home by paying it forward for future generations.”

Building Fund Meeting 
2nd Monday of the Month @ 3:30pm
Board Meeting 3rd Wednesday of Month @ 4pm
Building Fund Meeting 2nd Monday of the Month @ 3:30pm Board Meeting 3rd Wednesday of Month @ 4pm